Quiz: Post and Core Considerations: Do You Know How to Ensure Reliable Restorations?
October 26th 2016The post and core technique is an excellent option to help preserve natural tooth structure. Because it helps retain as much of the natural tooth as possible, patients avoid bone loss and receding tissue. The post and core technique also helps preserve the integrity of adjacent teeth. Despite the benefits and high occurrence of this procedure, there are several factors that often negatively affect the prognosis of the restoration. Take this short quiz to see if you can you identify some of the most common issues.
Applying all-in-one MacPractice DDS in your practice
October 12th 2016MacPractice’s ‘all-in-one’ dental software is said to feature best-in-class billing, next-generation charting, digital imaging, EDR, reputation marketing, online patient registration, online scheduling reputation marketing that works, secure messaging, network fax and more.
How self-awareness impacts leadership success
July 19th 2016A study was published in 2010 by Green Peak Partners and Cornell’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations2. The study examined 72 executives at public and private companies with revenues from $50 million to $5 billion. The research studied a number of executive interpersonal traits. It was found that the element of self-awareness was a highly significant trait associated with leadership success. In fact, the higher level of self-awareness, the higher level of leadership success.