The Common Cash Flow Mistakes Dentists Make
February 20th 2017Kerry Straine, CPBA, is the CEO and President of Straine Consulting. In this video clip, he reviews the common cash flow mistakes he sees dentists making today. They include not having a formal budget in place for the year ahead, and not having a clear understanding of how much dentists will take from the practice in terms of profit. Straine provides effective approaches to resolve these issues.
You're Ready to Buy Dental Practice Real Estate. Now What?
February 16th 2017Maybe you're a dentist who has finally decided to go into private practice. In terms of where you want your practice to be located, you've settled on a city or town, but not the property. According to Brandy Keck, a Brockerage Liaison at Carr Healthcare Realty, now is the right time to get a practice real estate broker involved. Do not go it alone when faced with the stresses of negotiating a lease or purchase.
Marketing Strategies That Make Dental Practices Thrive
February 15th 2017Time and time again, social media and email marketing have proven to be effective ways of bringing in new dental patients and staying connected with your existing patient base. In this video interview, Tim Sawyer, president of Crystal Clear Digital Marketing, discusses strategies for email and social media that produce results. The key, he explains, is targeting your message on both platforms to the precise audience you're trying to attract.
Know Your Dental Market Before Buying Practice Real Estate
February 14th 2017Brandy Keck is a Brockerage Liaison at Carr Healthcare Realty. In this clip, Keck discusses what market factors a dentist needs to understand before purchasing practice real estate. Often, Keck says, her company will recommend that dentists work with a demographics firm to understand the demand for dentistry in their respective markets. Other important factors include proximity to other types of dentists, as well as population-to-dentists ratio.
Creating a Strong Benefits Package for Your Dental Practice
February 13th 2017Randy Fine, LUTCF, present of Robert Fine Associates, discusses how dentists should offer a generous benefits package to retain talent in their practices. Fine explains that though there may be some sticker shock in the beginning about providing a 401-K or other attractive offerings to staff members, these benefits will keep morale high and keep the competition out. It will also save you the trouble of having to replace and retrain employees, which can cost you time and money.
How To Bring In New Dental Patients From the Internet
January 31st 2017Tim Sawyer, president of Crystal Clear Digital Marketing, discusses how methods of attracting new dental patients to practices are evolving. SEO is still the dominant force at play, he says, however, social media is gaining strength.
Taking a Fresh Look at Occlusion Issues in Dentistry
January 4th 2017Jim McKee, DDS, is a dentist in private practice. He's also a Visiting Faculty member with Piper Education and Research Center, where he teaches on subjects such as occlusion and the clinical referral process. In this video clip, he discusses how to take a fresh look at occlusion issues in dental patients.
Phasing Dental Cases to Drive Case Acceptance
January 3rd 2017Jim McKee, DDS, is a dentist in private practice. He's also a Visiting Faculty member with Piper Education and Research Center, where he teaches on subjects such as occlusion and the clinical referral process. In this video clip, he discusses the importance of phasing cases to increase case acceptance.
Communicating with Dental Patients: Put Yourself in Their Shoes
December 23rd 2016Jim McKee, DDS, is a dentist in private practice. He's also a Visiting Faculty member with Piper Education and Research Center, where he teaches on subjects such as occlusion and the clinical referral process. In this video clip, he discusses a useful approach for communicating your treatment plan to patients.
Presenting Dental Treatment Options to Patients
December 22nd 2016Jim McKee, DDS, is a dentist in private practice. He's also a Visiting Faculty member with Piper Education and Research Center, where he teaches on subjects such as occlusion and the clinical referral process. In this video clip, he discusses his approach to presenting treatment options to patients, and how that can translate to case acceptance.
The True Objective of Using Social Media in Dentistry
December 21st 2016Derek Pearson is the VP of Business Development at Banyan, a company dedicated to improving social media performance for dentists. Here, he explains the primary objective of social media's use in dentistry: building relationships with patients.
For Dental Case Acceptance, Don't Underestimate the New Patient Exam
December 20th 2016Jim McKee, DDS, is a dentist in private practice. He's also a Visiting Faculty member with Piper Education and Research Center, where he teaches on subjects such as occlusion and the clinical referral process. In this video clip, he discusses how clear communication during the new patient examination process can lead to case acceptance.
One of the Keys to Dental Case Acceptance
December 19th 2016Jim McKee, DDS, is a dentist in private practice. He's also a Visiting Faculty member with Piper Education and Research Center, where he teaches on subjects such as occlusion and the clinical referral process. In this video clip, he discusses a determining factor in increasing case acceptance.
Use Social Media to Build Trust with Dental Patients
December 13th 2016Derek Pearson is the VP of Business Development at Banyan, a company dedicated to improving social media performance for dentists. Here, he explains how dental practices can use social media to build relationships and trust with their patients.
Revisiting the Early Days of Tech in Dentistry
December 6th 2016Ed Zuckerberg, DDS, is the founder of Painless Social Media, a company geared toward bringing in new clients and bolstering relationships with existing ones. He's also the father of Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. In this clip, Dr. Zuckerberg reflects on how far technology in the dental practice has come from its humble beginnings.