Balancing the body's pH

Issue 9

The pH scale begins at 0 which is extremely acidic and goes up to 7, which is neutral and as high as 14 which is alkaline.  We want to stay balanced at around 7.0. Most acid 0 ____________________7 _________________ 14 – most alkaline. Here are some illustrations of pH measurements:

The pH scale begins at 0 which is extremely acidic and goes up to 7, which is neutral and as high as 14 which is alkaline.  We want to stay balanced at around 7.0.

Most acid 0 ____________________7 _________________ 14 – most alkaline.

Here are some illustrations of pH measurements:

  • Blood  7.35 – 7.45

  • Saliva  6.50 – 7.50

  • Hydrochloric Acid  1.0

  • Urine  4.80 – 8.40

Let’s compare lemons to oatmeal. Which one do you think is more acidic? The lemon or the Oatmeal. Naturally, most of you are guessing that it is the lemon.

It’s not how acidic something is when you put it into the body; it the “ash” it leaves behind after digestion.

Similar to when you burn a fire. When the fire goes out what is left behind is an ash, a residue. It’s what’s left over after processing.

When our bodies digest food what is left behind is called an “ash." The ash is either alkaline or acidic.

Lemons start off acidic but the results are alkaline.

Oatmeal is good! It lowers cholesterol and is very soothing but it leaves an acid ash.

What does acid do to the body?

When the body is out of balance it steals vital nutrients from the bones, muscles and organs to balance it out.  This taking away of nutrients leaves the body achy and tired.

Constant borrowing and working fatigues the body, and then we wonder why we feel so run down.

Dr. William Cowden, an MD who practices cardiology and internal medicine in Dallas, Texas provided the following facts about what happens when pH is not balanced:

THE NERVOUS SYSTEM – When pH in brain cells is off center, appropriate chemicals are not produced and cells can’t communicate properly.  This can result in insomnia, anxiety, depression, neuroses, psychoses and memory loss.

THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM – The wrong pH causes calcium to be released from the bones and go into muscles, causing cramping.  Osteoporosis, weakened vertebrae, back pain and degenerative arthritis can also result.

THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM – Enzyme dysfunction occurs and results in indigestion, gaseousness, bloating, and abdominal cramping.  Malnutrition results.  Undigested food ferments, etc.

THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM – Bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, along with chronic cough, asthma, allergies, including hay fever are common conditions.

THE IMMUNE SYSTEM – People become susceptible to viral, bacterial, fungal and other infectious diseases as well as cancer.

THE URINARY SYSTEM – Bladder infections, calcium crystals, kidney stones are common conditions when the pH is not balanced.

We are alkaline by design and acidic by function.

The fluids that make up to 70% of the body must remain alkaline to experience optimal health.

Every metabolic process that your body undergoes produces acid.  Even our thoughts affect our pH.

The body is always seeking to maintain a balance.

Three sources of acid

  • Fruits – Contain organic acid the body can eliminate through the lungs. Contribute to the alkaline reserve. Put little stress on the body.

  • Cellular Activity – Produces weak acid that can be eliminated through the lungs. Does not stress the body excessively.

  • Acid-Producing Foods – Leave strong acids. Must be neutralized before being eliminated through kidneys or colon. Are highly stressful to the body. Take minerals from the alkaline reserve.

If you rest, you rust

Doing jumping jacks is one of the best exercises there is to oxygenate and flush the Lymphatic system- a system that filters 99% of unwanted wastes.

Add a mini trampoline and your working!

Through movement we expel toxins and keep the body balanced.

It doesn’t cost a thing and it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Eat your way to better health

Good quality food and supplements.

Do you see a pattern? Proteins are hard on the body to digest. The more “alive” the food is; lightly steamed or raw, the more beneficial it is to the body and the easier it is to digest.

It is important to note that people who are ill have compromised digestive systems and would do better with cooked foods, rather than raw.
Soft drinks are extremely acidic! Coming in at a 2.0 on the pH scale.

Choose water, it has a perfect balance of 7.0.

See the movie Food Inc.

If you can, eat only organic, humanely treated animals.

To find organic, locally raised and grown food in your area go to

I all else fails refer to THE BLOOD TYPE DIET. You can purchase those kits and books here.

What about supplements?

A good quality supplement is also important. Lately supplements have been in the news for their poor quality and adverse affects. Please read the labels, notice the amount of herbs in the supplement, and educate yourself on good quality supplements.

Recently about a dozen supplements have been in the news and the public has been warned not to use them. These twelve supplements are:

“The dozen are aconite, bitter orange, chaparral, colloidal silver, coltsfoot, comfrey, country mallow, germanium, greater celandine, kava, lobelia, and yohimbe. The FDA has warned about at least eight of them, some as long ago as 1993.” Consumer Reports, September 2010.

Let’s look at what to do and what not to do when taking supplements. Take Colloidal Silver.

I heard there is a blue man walking around doing the talk show circuit. He not only uses Colloidal Silver but he makes his own! This silver when used for an extended period of time can make a person permanently blue.

The fact is Colloidal Silver is an excellent natural anti-biotic. It is used for bacterial infections as well as viral infections. It can be used topically and internally. It is so powerful that often times a couple of doses will do the trick.

Now look at Comfrey. The FDA advises against taking comfrey internally, due to the presence of trace amounts of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids (PA’s).  In contrast, data published in the journal, Science, by noted biochemist Bruce Ames, Ph.D., of U.C. Berkeley, would indicate that comfrey taken internally is less toxic or carcinogenic than an equivalent amount of beer. It is probably wise not to make comfrey, or beer, a significant part of your regular diet for an extended period of time.

Herbs to keep your body balanced

  • Oat straw – Helps to maintain hormone balance.

  • Alfalfa – Is nearly perfect.  Has most of your vitamins and minerals.

  • Red Roobios Tea – Has the highest amount of antioxidants of any plant on the planet.  It is free of caffeine and contains no tannic acid, so you can leave it brewing all day and it just gets stronger in its antioxidant content.

What if I'm acidic?

Just because your body is acidic today, does not mean that it has to be tomorrow. By feeding your body alkaline foods, staying properly hydrated, detoxifying your body, and choosing the proper supplementation, you can restore yourself to proper pH balance.
Here are some suggestions to keep your body balanced.

  • Enzymes are essential: Take 1-2 capsules of food enzymes with every meal. If you have both over-acid urine and saliva, you may also take 1-2 capsules of Protease Plus between meals on an empty stomach.

  • Correct calcium is needed: Calcium Citrate. This is a very alkalizing form of calcium. Or, take 4-6 Skeletal Strength tablets daily. This contains a very absorbable calcium and magnesium. Children should use Chewable Calcium or liquid calcium.

  • Alkaline minerals are essential: Take 1 ounce of either Colloidal Minerals or Mineral Chi Tonic once daily, or take 1 teaspoon of Liquid Chlorophyll in water up to eight times daily.

  • Anything green is alkaline: Take Ultimate Green Zone or Herbal Potassium Combination according to label directions. Eat more fruits and vegetables and less animal products.

  • Vitamin A & D hold calcium in the body. Taking Vitamin A & D will help the body buffer acid.

  • Cleanse as needed: Take a psyllium hulls supplement such as Psyllium Hulls Combination at bedtime to maintain regular bowel movements. Use Chinese Tiao He Cleanse or Clean Start or twice a year for liver, bowel and kidney detoxification.

What if I'm overly-alkaline?

Alkalinity is relatively rare, but if your urine and/or saliva consistently test above 7.0 pH, start with steps 1, 2 and 3 below and continue adding steps until the desired results are achieved.

Be sure to monitor your progress with easy-to-use pH test strips. You will notice that some of these steps are the same as those recommended above for an overly acidic condition. This is because such steps are balancing, tending to bring the pH back toward normal no matter which direction it has gone:

  • Enzymes are essential: Use 1-2 capsules of Proactazyme with each meal. For stronger enzymatic action in difficult cases add 1-2 capsules of Protease Plus between meals on an empty stomach.

  • Correct calcium is needed: Take 4-6 Skeletal Strength tablets daily.

  • Vitamin C: Use Timed-Release or Vitamin C Ascorbates.

  • Flax Seed Oil: Use 1 capsules of Flax Seed Oil 3 times a day or 2 tablespoons of oil daily.

  • Ultimate GreenZone: Follow label directions.

  • Cleanse as needed: Take a psyllium hulls supplement such as Psyllium Hulls Combination at bedtime to maintain regular bowel movements. Use Chinese Tiao He Cleanse or CleanStart twice a year for liver, bowel, and kidney detoxification.

Note that a food's acid or alkaline-forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic, however the end-products they produce after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline so lemons are alkaline-forming in the body.

Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion but it leaves very acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is very acid-forming.


Test first thing in the morning upon arising. If your sleep is interrupted, take the reading after the longest period of uninterrupted sleep.
Catch some urine in a small, clean container. Test the pH of the fluid with the pH test paper. When the paper is wet, the change in color should be obvious. Compare the color of the paper with the colors shown on the gauge that comes with the paper


Take a clean spoon and spit into it until you have enough saliva to get the pH paper thoroughly wet, after 20 second count, compare the paper with the colors shown on the gauge that comes with the paper.


  • Blood pH must be between 7.35 and 7.45.  If the pH is out of that zone your dead.

  • Acid forming food pulls Calcium from bones because it acts as a buffer.  Cannot absorb minerals if body is too acidic.

  • Bok Choy is extremely high in Calcium

  • Tooth decay that starts inside the tooth (found by x-rays) due to an acidic system.

  • Dandelion balances pH

  • Bitter foods aids in digestion

  • Vitamin A & D holds calcium in the body

  • Soak mildly acid-forming foods such as whole grains and legumes before cooking them, starting the sprouting process, which is alkalizing.

  • Chew thoroughly the complex carbohydrates as grains, vegetables, and legumes in order to mix them with saliva, a very alkaline fluid that begins the digestive process.

  • Do not drink while eating, as this stops the digestive process from beginning within the mouth

  • If the body is out of pH balance it will not absorb nutrients.
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