The latest hourly and annual salary numbers for dentists and dental assistants
June 30th 2017Looking at the most recent data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics – and what it means to you. In order to be a dentist – or anyone in the healthcare field, for that matter – one has to want to help others. And while there is an altruistic element to the work, the fact remains that dentists want to get paid for their hard work.
Should sugary snacks feature cigarette-style health warnings?
June 27th 2017Health officials in Britain hope the warnings may decrease tooth decay and obesity in children.Since October 2008, cigarette packs in the United Kingdom have been required to display pictorial health warnings highlighting the health risks associated with tobacco. Now, health officials want similar warnings to appear on packages of sweets.
How do certain sports impact dental professionals' health?
June 21st 2017It's summer and time to hit the water-but several popular summer sports can actually exacerbate muscle imbalances in dental professionals. As I’ve written about before, dentists are prone to unique muscle imbalances. These imbalances can easily be exacerbated by certain recreational sports.
EPA signs amalgam separator regulation
June 16th 2017The 'Dental Rule' requires all states to be compliant with a new standard of Best Management Practices regarding amalgam waste.Solmetex, the market leader in amalgam separation with the Hg5TM series of amalgam separators, is pleased to announce the EPA’s signing and publishing of the “Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Dental Category."