[1 Continuing Education Credit] In this presentation from Douglas A. Young, DDS, EdD, MBA, MS, you will learn about the advantages of glass ionomer dental materials, proper placement techniques, and why and when to use selective caries removal. [1 hour]
Sponsored by: GC America
Hosted by: Douglas A. Young, DDS, EdD, MBA, MS
Professor Emeritus, University of the Pacific
Despite caries risk assessment and therapeutic tools that have been in use for decades, dental caries remains a significant problem in many populations. The science and chemistry for using glass ionomer restoratives for its unique ability to treat caries lesions chemically will be presented. Success is often determined by correct placement techniques.Dr. Young will review how to properly use glass restoratives with, and without, the use of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) using minimally invasive methodology to bridge the gap between remineralization and traditional restoration.
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Case Acceptance Essentials: How and When to Offer Patient Financing
October 4th 2022[1 Continuing Education Credit] In this course, Adrian Valente explains how patient financing solutions work to benefit practices and patients. Learn about strategies to incorporate financing discussions into every patient visit. Sponsored by Sunbit.[1 hour]