October 29th 2024
This week the American Academy of Periodontology convenes in San Diego, so it’s a great time to reflect on the importance of fighting periodontal disease.
June 1st 2024
On-Demand Webinar: How to attain periodontal success with a YSGG Wavelength laser
March 21st 2014Searching for more effective ways to effectively treat periodontal disease in your practice? Check out this free, on-demand webinar sponsored by Biolase: How to Attain Periodontal Success with the YSGG Wavelength for the General Practitioner.
ePerioCare app offers advanced periodontal charting tools, patient analysis and much more
May 24th 2013Part of a larger set of web-based clinical modules called Dental Symphony, ePerioCare is an advanced periodontal charting app that lets dentists easily chart, view historical reports, analyze patient progress, and more.
Study finds link between periodontitis and diabetes
January 31st 2013Scientific evidence linking type 2 diabetes with a greater risk of periodontitis continues to increase. The December 2012 volume of Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice includes a study showing individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus exhibited an even stronger association with risk of periodontitis.
Specialty Care Exclusive Survey: Working together
November 14th 2012The way you treat your patients is changing. Gone are the days of simply fixing a cracked tooth and moving on to the next case. These days, you’re expected to look at your patients more comprehensively, to treat them as a whole rather than as components.
Do you know what tobacco use is doing to your patient
October 17th 2012The Set-Up “Tobacco use has been associated with a variety of diseases including periodontal diseases. In this article, Dr. Ryder addresses ways in which the dental team can play a significant role in improving the patient’s overall health,” Dr. Peter O. Cabrera, Team Lead
CDA 2012: Video interview with American Academy of Periodontology
May 5th 2012In this live CDA video interview, Executive Editor Stan Goff talks with American Academy of Periodontology Past President Dr. Donald S. Clem, DDS, about the recent news linking periodontal diseases and cardiovascular diseases.
Digital dental laser developer showcases perio treatment at the Academy of Osseointegration Show
March 23rd 2012Millennium Dental Technologies, creator of FDA-cleared LANAP® protocol for the treatment of moderate to severe gum disease and the digital dental laser PerioLase MVP-7, presented periodontal clinical dat
Clinical researchers receive regenerative periodontal medicine award
March 21st 2012Barcelona, 16 July 2010: A newly created award recognizing significant contributions to research in Periodontology has been presented to two renowned researchers, Professors Martha Somerman and Ulf Wikesjö, at the 88th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research in Barcelona.
The link between obesity and periodontal disease
March 21st 2012THE SET-UP “As the evidence mounts in the area of oral-systemic links, the dental profession will need to become more involved in sorting out the relevant clinical information and determine what is appropriate for dental practice. In this article, Patti DiGangi explores an interesting theory.” -Dr. Peter Cabrera, Team Lead
Exclusive Survey: Part of the team
March 21st 2012It's time to come together. With everything we know and are learning about the oral-systemic link, dentistry can no longer be the missing piece of to the health care puzzle, an entity separate from the rest of the health care team. That simply isn't good enough for your patients. You have to become involved in your patients' overall health, and that means building relationships with their medical doctors.
Photography doesn't have to be limited to the operatory
March 21st 2012One of the photos in Dr. Cabrera's exhibit. Photo courtesy of Dr. Peter Cabrera Dentistry isn’t Dr. Peter Cabrera’s only passion. Photography is another important part of this Chicago-based periodontist’s life, and has been since he, at 9-years-old, saw for himself what light can do to a print
Team Approach: Controlling periodontal disease
March 21st 2012Year after year, survey after survey, DPR’s readers affirm that when it comes to choosing new dental products for their dental practices, colleague recommendations are vital. Here, we provide space for dental professionals-like you and your team-to reflect on the products they see making a difference.
Flu-related complications potentially more likely in perio patients
March 21st 2012The Set-Up “With the emergence of new clinical data, health care professionals are becoming increasingly aware of the interrelationship of oral and systemic disease. In this article, Dr. Kelly Blodgett considers the possible connection of different inflammatory diseases,” Dr. Peter O. Cabrera, Team Lead
Is the prevalence of perdiodontal disease declining?
March 21st 2012The Set-Up “The field of Periodontology is dynamic, and the role of the different practitioners is rapidly evolving. It is important for dentists and hygienists to stay on top of the latest research and trends. In this excellent review, Dr. Ryder examines the topic of prevalence of periodontitis from a public health and practical clinical perspective.