Explore the history and technology of sIOT and the potential applications which address current 2D intraoral and CBCT limitations with Donald Tyndall, DDS, MSPH, PhD, FICD.
Sponsored by: Surround Medical Systems
Hosted by:
Donald Tyndall, DDS, MSPH, PhD, FICD
Professor in the Division of Diagnostic Sciences
There have been three major advances in the history of radiology in dentistry, 2D intraoral radiography, panoramic radiography and cone beam CT. Each of these technologies have advantages and limitations. Stationary intraoral tomosynthesis is designed to overcome these limitations by using a novel multisource intraoral system which produces a stack of image layers relatively free of metal artifacts and overlapping contacts comparable in radiation dose to current intraoral radiography. There are several clinical applications for which sIOT may perform better than intraoral or cone beam CT imaging. This presentation will explore the history and technology of sIOT and the potential applications which address current 2D intraoral and CBCT limitations.