The IBEX Summit Press, along with the IBEX Summit Porcelain Furnace, provides unparalleled consistency and accuracy. Making use of an advanced electronic design and the Radiance Ring® muffle, the Summit Press precisely controls the energy applied to the entire investment ring. Providing uniform energy to the investment ring makes the most difficult material press quickly and with little to no reaction layer. This allows the technician to wax full contour with greater detail in anatomy and get sharp, accurate margins less than 0.5 mm.
The IBEX Summit Press, along with the IBEX Summit Porcelain Furnace, provides unparalleled consistency and accuracy. Making use of an advanced electronic design and the Radiance Ring® muffle, the Summit Press precisely controls the energy applied to the entire investment ring. Providing uniform energy to the investment ring makes the most difficult material press quickly and with little to no reaction layer. This allows the technician to wax full contour with greater detail in anatomy and get sharp, accurate margins less than 0.5 mm. Complementing its superior firing and pressing performance, the IBEX Summit comes with a highly intuitive touch screen system that offers the technician easy programming and operation.