Using the Occlusinator from Strauss Diamonds, along with its various features has made posterior restorations more efficient and simple.
Strauss Diamond
When I was in dental school, we learned to create primary and secondary anatomy of the posterior teeth by carving wax blocks according to diagrams in a flip chart. It was very straightforward.
By the time I actually started placing restorations in patients’ posterior teeth, things were less clear. It seems every professor we asked had their own protocol for the placement and postcure finishing and polishing of direct esthetic restorations.
In essence, they left us to find our own way of finishing polish restorations to our own satisfaction. Now, 25 years later, I have found a system that I wish I’d had in school.
The Occlusinator from Strauss Diamond and its corresponding Posterior Packer Sculptor (PPS) instrument simplify the technique and save time, materials, and steps. Efficiency is more crucial than ever.