Unlike traditional casting processes, which produce about 20 dental frames per day, the EOSINT M 270 direct-metal laser-sintering system (DMLS) creates up to 450 dental units per day using CAD data.
Unlike traditional casting processes, which produce about 20 dental frames per day, the EOSINT M 270 direct-metal laser-sintering system (DMLS) creates up to 450 dental units per day using CAD data.
The EOSINT M 270 system also makes removable partial dentures that are stronger than a conventional model cast and have a lower clamp-breakage risk. Additionally, the increased level of details allows for the reproduction of pitted structures, plus the finished products meet relevant EN 1641 and EN ISO 22674 standards.
Also, a fiber laser that melts fine metal powder allows technicians to build products layer by layer, reportedly ensuring that components are produced in high, reproducible quality.
For more information about the EOSINT M 270, head to the EOS website at www.eos.info.