Atlantic Precious Metal Refining’s Strategy Milling center offers timesaving, cost-cutting full contour restoration services

Issue 8

Atlantic Precious Metal Refining’s new Strategy Milling center will reportedly provide dental professionals with convenient, affordable and previously unavailable milled full contour gold crowns and bridges.

Atlantic Precious Metal Refining’s new Strategy Milling center will reportedly provide dental professionals with convenient, affordable and previously unavailable milled full contour gold crowns and bridges.

Designed to save time and money, the center is said to also eliminate expensive surplus onsite alloy inventory.

“We believe that no posterior restoration compares to a noble gold restoration,” said Scott Mappin, VP of Operations at Strategy Milling. “After years of research and development, we can now fill a huge gap in digital dentistry by providing milling capabilities dental professionals won’t find anywhere else. Strategy Milling allows us to provide stunningly accurate gold restorations with outstanding marginal integrity requiring minimal finishing and polishing, all at a very competitive price.”

According to Strategy Milling, restorations milled by the center are returned to customers within a 24-hour period, plus they required minimal finishing and polishing upon receipt.

For more information about Strategy Milling, contact Scott Mappin at 802-999-5577 or head to

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