Joining The TeleDentists helped a practitioner contribute to the overall well-being of her patients.
Learn, grow, surround yourself with good people, and be kind. These are some of the many lessons this author learned during her long journey.
A patient-centered, evidence-based care model with a personalized focus on improving patient health outcomes through wellness, prevention and management of chronic disease is the way to go.
In order to move progress, we must look back at a decade of CAD/CAM in dental education.
This bite-force measuring device gives a clear and concise metric for clinicians looking to create accurate treatment plans.
Dental professionals share stories of dental products they’ve stopped using and innovations that are their new favorites.
Dental professionals share stories of dental products they’ve stopped using and innovations that are their new favorites.
Be aware of the strategies needed to strengthen network security at your dental practice and reduce the risk of a ransomware infection.
Dental professionals throughout the industry share their favorite new workflows, technologies, materials, and more.
Experts from across the industry share their favorite tips, tricks, and solutions to make dental care better for patients and easier for you.
Critical to an implant’s long-term success is tissue stability. We take a deep dive into implant design and how to improve maintenance for implant success.
Experts from across the industry share their favorite tips, tricks, and solutions to make dental care better for patients and easier for you.
Teledentistry served many dental practices during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it can be leveraged in a few ways beyond to serve clinicians and patients in the future.
Dental professionals share stories of dental products they’ve stopped using and innovations that are their new favorites.
Artificial intelligence is finding a place in everything these days, and it's important for dental hygienists to see the ways it can help them care for, and connect with patients.
Experts from across the industry share their favorite tips, tricks, and solutions to make dental care better for patients and easier for you.
Dental professionals throughout the industry share their favorite new workflows, technologies, materials, and more.
Cultivating a mentorship mentality in dental hygienists can reduce burnout, increase satisfaction, and propel career advancement.
Experts from across the industry share their favorite tips, tricks, and solutions to make dental care better for patients and easier for you.
Reducing the potential infectious load of the aerosol in dental practices can be a key weapon in combating COVID-19.
Dental professionals share stories of dental products they’ve stopped using and innovations that are their new favorites.