Case acceptance robbers and how to stop them
March 21st 2012They are lurking in your office waiting to steal treatment plans and hide them in the unscheduled treatment reports in your computer. If you track case acceptance, you are one step ahead of these robbers because you can then start to identify and analyze your systems and communication skills to find your vulnerable areas and take steps to shore them up. Guessing or using your “gut feeling” about case acceptance will not serve you well. A good goal to aim for is 85% for new patients; 90% for patients of record.
Dismissing patients from your practice
March 21st 2012One of the most frequent calls we get on our Hotline at Pride Institute is the dentist or team member asking when and how to dismiss a patient from the practice. There is usually a long story involved and lots of confusion. Typically, they have waited far too long to take this action and have endured a lot of stress as a result. True, it can be uncomfortable. And true, it is easier to hope the patient just goes away. But that rarely happens. Dismissal protocol
Becoming a better appointment coordinator can mean new patients
March 21st 2012You may be finding it more challenging to fill both the doctor’s schedule and the hygiene schedule and keep them filled. Many patients have had financial setbacks because of our still challenging economy, and many other patients seem reluctant to spend money on anything but what they consider essential. Maybe your number of new patients has declined too? Here are some steps that self-directed appointment coordinators can take to keep the schedule full and productive and also increase the number of new patients: