VOCO’s V-Print c&b temp 3D Resin Designed to Deliver Esthetics and Durability


The company’s temporary material offers versatility and customization for dental professionals.

VOCO’s V-Print c&b temp 3D Resin Designed to Deliver Esthetics and Durability | Image Credit: © VOCO America, Inc

Image Credit: © VOCO America, Inc

VOCO has introduced V-Print c&b temp, a 3D print resin for creating highly esthetic long-term temporary restorations. The new material, like all V-Print resins, is sedimentation-free, eliminating the need for shaking or rolling before use, thus saving time for clinicians and lab techs.

With a flexural strength of 132 MPa, V-Print c&b temp is formulated to ensure durable and stable temporary restorations. Its high filler rate provides wear resistance, allowing crowns and bridges to last up to 12 months, offering patients long-lasting solutions, according to VOCO.

Additionally, V-Print c&b temp has low water absorption, making it resistant to discoloration and ensuring color stability. Its high luster polish and natural fluorescence are designed to deliver the esthetic look of a final restoration, and to meet high esthetic demands.

Available in 6 shades (A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1, and BL), V-Print c&b temp offers versatility and customization for dental professionals. As a composite material, it can be easily characterized or combined with a flowable restorative, allowing seamless integration into various clinical scenarios, the company says.

This material is part of VOCO's growing V-Print line of 3D printer materials and is validated for use with high-quality 3D printers such as Ackuretta, Asiga, Microlay, Shining 3D, and more. In addition, it is compatible with design software from 3Shape and Exocad.

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