The Association for Dental Safety has super sponsored Planemca KaVo for its commitment to safety for both the dental practitioner and the patient.
The Association for Dental Safety Chooses Planmeca KaVo Group for 2024 Super Sponsor
The Association for Dental Safety (ADS) has announced that Planmeca KaVo Group is its super sponsor for 2024. As Planmeca’s technologies and equipment have a specific focus on best practitioner and patient safety practices, this pair felt appropriate, according to Senior Manager of Marketing and Channel, KaVo North America, Mike Etheridge.
“Becoming a sponsor of ADS aligns with Planmeca and KaVo’s values,” Etheridge said in a press release from the companies. “The Planmeca Group companies are committed to designing products and systems that improve the quality of health care in a safe treatment environment.”
Etheridge emphasized Planmeca’s Ultra Low Dose™ imaging protocol, which reduces radiation in the group’s CBCT machines, as well as the clean water tracking features of the Planmeca Compact™ dental unit.
“Proper education and training through ADS are crucial to achieving compliance,” Etheridge said in the press release.
Planmeca’s Steri-Center is also cited as another reminder of the company’s commitment to safe sterilization in the dental practice. Through this sponsorship, KaVo and Planmeca will continue to leverage ADS resources to bolster safety and infection control in the dental practice.
To learn more about ADS, visit the website here. To learn more about KaVo or Planmeca, visit the websites here and here respectively.