Ergonomic handle allows the user to clean distal and hard-to-reach areas that toothbrushes can’t reach.
Some commercially available products consumers have been using to fight gum disease are outdated and ineffective. Evidence of this comes from the fact that nearly half of Americans over 30 have some form of gum disease, and there has not been enough innovation in products that are designed to fight it – until now, according to the manufacturer bäz.
Jean-Jacques Elbaz, DDS, a Beverly Hills-based periodontist and expert on the Dental Board of California, developed a game-changing product: the Gumline Cleaner. By tracing the gum line, users can manually remove sticky plaque that builds in these areas by using friction.
Additionally, the soft tip massages gum tissue – promoting blood flow – and the bristles provide abrasion for effective biofilm removal. Not an interdental pick, the Gumline Cleaner focuses on the gingival margin. Its ergonomic handle allows the user to clean distal and hard-to-reach areas that toothbrushes can’t reach.
The new product is especially effective for patients who have traditional braces or aligner trays, recessions, dental implants, crowns & bridges, crowding, gingival inflammation, and more. Patients can find it online or at select dental practices. There are hundreds of toothbrushes, dozens of flossing and interdental products, lots of mouth rinses, but now there’s Gumline Cleaner, designed to provide better protection against plaque buildup around the gum line than what is achieved by brushing and rinsing with traditional products.