Silent Nite 3D Sleep Appliance from Glidewell
Silent Nite 3D Sleep Appliance | Image Credit: © Glidewell

// Sleep Appliance
Silent Nite 3D Sleep Appliance
Glidewell’s latest sleep appliance, the Silent Nite® 3D Sleep Appliance, is a fully digital, 3D-printed sleep appliance for prescription by dental professionals. The company is evolving its Silent Nite Sleep Appliance line to take part in the continued rise of digital dentistry and 3D printing. Silent Nite 3D is a mandibular advancement device fabricated from durable light-cured resin. The appliance treats patients who suffer from snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). These clear, custom-fit appliances are designed to gently shift the mandible forward, using nylon connectors adjustable in 0.5mm increments over a 10mm span, and open up the airway to prevent it from collapsing during sleep. These connectors are replaceable, which allows clinicians to adjust the position of the mandible to ensure the patient is receiving proper care while remaining comfortable, Glidewell states. The scalloped edge of the appliance, which is achieved with the 3D-printing method, increases retention with minimal contact to the patient’s gingiva. The Silent Nite 3D Sleep Appliance is suited for patients to use at home or while traveling; it is lightweight and easy to store, which makes a good night’s sleep achievable virtually anywhere. Clinicians can also order a duplicate of the same case to be included as part of a Glidewell Clinical Twinpak™.