Pro 2 from SprintRay
Image Credit: © SprintRay, Inc

// 3D Printer
Pro 2
The new Pro2 desktop 3D printer is the latest addition to SprintRay’s line of printers and is the company’s first powered by all-new Optical Panel technology, featuring a 35-micron XY resolution and 385 nm UV light. The proprietary new light engine can print up to 6 full-arch dental models in 15 minutes with more than 99% dimensional stability, according to the manufacturer. SprintRay also launched new 2 new resins from the company's BioMaterial Innovation Lab—a direct-print Retainer, and a next-gen Dental Model resin—which when combined with this 3D printer can enable clinicians to fabricate appliances with optimal anatomy and a precise marginal fit. ThePro2 is designed to print with industry-leading speed and accuracy, and features a large build area. It is suited for both high-volume orthodontic production and precise restorative appliances. The company says SprintRay's Pro 2 3D printer and resin portfolio are available for purchase now and begin shipping this summer.