Dentalree’s MiTi Digital Scanning Bundle is designed to provide a “Practicle Path to Digital” in an easy-to-use, economical solution.
Enjoy the advantages of being fully digital without the costs, fees and frustrations of inter-oral scanning. The unique, patented MiTi Digital Scanning VPS, together with the affordable,Shining 3D Desktop Scanner makes this possible today, according to the company.
Produce reliable, accurate digital files for immediate email to your lab. Or use on your own 3D printer or milling machine. Scanning can be done easily and quickly by your assistant. The emailed file saves the time and cost of model pour-up, shipping and storage.
Dentalree, which showcased this solution at the recent Yankee Dental Congress, offers the MiTi Digital Scanning VPS plus Shining Desktop Scanner Autoscan-DS EX Pro bundle for a cost of $6995. Distributed by International Inc., more information is available at