A look at the Asiga PICO2 3D printer


This 3D printer from Whip Mix is a high-power, compact 3D printer that gives you a great range of flexibility.

Asiga 3D printers are fully compatible with leading 3D scanners and CAD software, such as 3Shape, Exocad and Dental Wings.

They operate in an open system that allows users to use any suitable resin material they choose, including a full line of Whip Mix VeriBuild® Resins. Nesting software is included on all Asiga printers at no additional cost.

Related reading: WhipMix announces new 3D printers

For its software interface, the printer uses Composer Software. The PICO2 features a dynamic array to maximize build area usage, as well as flexible supports to avoid collisions. The printer includes an onboard PC to store multiple builds and it supports multiple operating systems-Windows, Apple and Linux. The PICO2 auto supports for greater user efficiency, and also includes free updates, forever. The Build Time Estimator helps to schedule your workflow. For more information, visit whipmix.com or call 800-626-5651.

Other features include:

  • STL/SLC or both: Load STL & SLC into the same build

  • Add casting sprue: Streamline casting workflow

  • Multi-stacking: Maximize Z height usage 

  • User control: Full user access to build settings

  • Remote control: Log in to your 3D printer remotely

What Steve Edmonds, President/Owner of Edmonds Dental Prosthetics, Inc., says about Asiga PICO2:

"Whip Mix contacted Edmonds Dental Prosthetics, Inc. and asked us to beta test the new Asiga high resolution 3D printer. We received the smaller PICO2 for initial testing and it quickly became our go-to for printing quads and crown carriers due to the consistency and accuracy of the print runs. We then received the larger PRO2 unit to beta test and, after some tweaking in the printer software, we experienced the same consistent results. We are very happy with the accuracy and overall quality of the products that we are able to build in the Asiga high resolution 3D printers.”

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