From the Editor's Desk: What Docs Look for in CE


Common Sense Dentistry recently sent DPR its latest survey results on Continuing Education. When polled on the main reason they attend continuing education programs, 73% of all dentists listed their primary choice of CE to learn about the latest and greatest clinical products that can help them in their everyday practices. Dentists first and foremost are looking for ways to advance their everyday practice.

Common Sense Dentistry recently sent DPR its latest survey results on Continuing Education.

When polled on the main reason they attend continuing education programs, 73% of all dentists listed their primary choice of CE to learn about the latest and greatest clinical products that can help them in their everyday practices. Dentists first and foremost are looking for ways to advance their everyday practice.

What is up and coming is the interest dentists are showing in dental technology. As Dr. Louis Malcmacher, points out, “Even though dentists by nature are slowly changing their attitude to integrating technology, they know that it’s hereto stay and are preparing themselves for the future.”
When asked about their preference in CE topics, 60% of all dentists polled preferred to hear lectures on a wide range of topics in order to gain a broader base of knowledge. “Although there are many dentists that really prefer to hear lectures on one particular topic like veneers, implants, or restorative topics in order to be able to delve into it with great depth – which is great; but there are so many new areas of dentistry these days, dentistshave to have a broad base of knowledge going forward,” says Dr. Malcmacher.

When asked what structure of continuing education programs they currently attend, 60% mentioned they take some online CE. You have to be careful with online education to make sure the quality is what you are looking for.  Additionally, 45% of dentists have also taken CE by DVD. It’s nice when taking CE online or by video when you can actually see a live demonstration of clinical procedures.
Many times dentists say CE lectures are a dying breed; but according to our survey 97% of all dentists polled have taken a lecture CE course in the last year. Dr. Malcmacher explains, “at the end of the day, dentists still very much preferlive lectures because it gives them the opportunity to ask questions so that they can come out with a better understanding of current dental knowledge. In addition, manydentists enjoythe networking opportunities they have with other dentists when they get the chance to meet together at live lectures.

For more surveys from Common Sense Dentistry, click here.

For a recent DPR article on how CE continues to evolve, click here.

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