[SPONSORED] DeAngelo Webster, DDS, discusses why he counts on DentiMax Dream Sensors for his practice.
Dental Products Report®: To start off, can you tell us a little bit about you and your practice?
DeAngelo Webster, DDS
Owner, White Pine Dental Health – Belleville, Michigan
DeAngelo Webster: My name is Dr DeAngelo Webster, and I own a practice in Belleville, Michigan. It was a scratch start, and I did it pretty much right out of dental school.
I was unique; I applied for my start-up loan when I was still a student. Like most dental students or new graduates, I didn’t have extra money lying around. So I had to be efficient with the way I did things. And I was able to have a start-up practice that went well, and DentiMax was part of that.
DPR®: How did DentiMax help get your practice up and running, and what appealed to you about working with them at this early stage of your career?
DW: When I was shopping around to do my start-up, I had to be efficient with the way I did things. I was fresh out of school, and every dollar really counted. I looked at lots of different companies, lots of different vendors, and had a couple things in mind.
One was flexibility. I didn’t want to get locked into 1 software. Because I was new; I wasn’t sure about things yet. I liked that DentiMax was flexible. No matter what software I had, I could still use those sensors; I wouldn’t have to switch.
The second thing I had in mind was price. I looked at the price of the sensors from DentiMax and compared them with other name brands out there, and it wasn’t even close. I think it was less than half [the price of] most competitors. I saw some samples of the quality, and it looked like any x-ray image to me. I didn’t see a difference. It was a no-brainer, and it helped me save money in an area that for many dentists is a huge expense.
The DentiMax Dream Sensor is known for delivering superior diagnostic X-rays at the highest resolution possible. It has received very high marks in clinical reviews, including a 96% in its Dental Advisor clinical evaluation. The sensor shows extraordinary anatomical details with reduced noise and improved tissue contrast for accurate diagnoses. It also provides a large active image area of 900 mm², allowing you to capture more teeth in the X-ray.
The sensor has open compatibility and works with most imaging software and dental sensors on the market. It is simply plug-and-play, seamlessly connecting with no extra clicks or hassle.
The DentiMax Dream Sensor is the thinnest CMOS sensors on the market at 5.3 mm, making it easier to position and maximizing patient comfort. These sensors are built to last, designed with a Kevlar® reinforced, repairable cable connected through waterproof, tightly sealed housing. DentiMax stands by their sensor, providing a free 3-year warranty and 5-year protection plan.
For more information or to schedule a free trial, call DentiMax at (800) 733-6820 or visit dentimax.com
DPR®: How do you and your staff like using the DentiMax Dream Sensors in your practice?
DW: I’m 5 years into my practice now, and I’ve had the DentiMax sensors since day 1. I’ve never had to call customer service. I’ve never had a problem with them. In 5 years, I’ve never had one break; I’ve never had one get buggy and the image starts to go bad. On a day-to-day basis, I don’t have to think about that much, which is something we all want from technology. It’s not a distraction. It just works.
DPR®: What imaging software are you using with the sensors and how is that working for you?
DW: I’m using the DentiMax imaging software as a start-up. I didn’t have any other imaging software preestablished so it was seamless to keep the same brand.
DPR®:What does DentiMax’s record of reliability mean to a start-up practice?
DW: The reliability [of] the DentiMax sensors has been huge. When I was coming out of school, I was talking to different dentists, and there was a debate [about] phosphor plates [vs] x-ray sensors. Some dentists were trying to scare me away from x-ray sensors.
One [dentist] opened up this drawer in her office, and it was full of broken sensors. And I [thought], If I’m going to deal with broken sensors, I’d better get ones that are less expensive. So I got the cheaper ones expecting I might have problems, but I never did. The reliability has been great. I’ve never had any downtime because I couldn’t take an image. I’ve never had an issue with the sensors, and that’s been really great.
DPR®: What interactions have you had with DentiMax as a customer over the past 5 years?
DW: As far as customer service, I’ve got no complaints. I’ve never had to contact DentiMax with a problem. My only contact with the DentiMax support team has been to refer other dentists to them.
DPR®: If a colleague is starting a new practice or looking to get new sensors, what do you advise?
DW: If you are thinking about buying x-ray sensors, I can’t recommend any x-ray sensors out there more than DentiMax. I haven’t found a better combination [of] price and quality. I don’t think anything else comes close.