This statement fully supports vital pulp therapy as a preferred option for dental pulp that has suffered from trauma or injury.
American Association of Endodontists
The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) have released a new position statement on the use of vital pulp therapy. The position is fully in support of vital pulp therapy as a treatment option for adult teeth.
Vital pulp therapy is meant to preserve dental pulp after any sort of trauma or injury. Vital pulp therapy procedures have been shown in recent studies to have a high success rate in the treatment of pulp injuries. These success stories were a big part of why the AAE have released this statement of support, according to a press release from the AAE.
Before, root canals and tooth extraction were the more popular therapy. Vital pulp therapy is now feasible for complete caries removal. It preserves the vitality and function of the dental pulp. The AAE’s statement also touches on the selection of biomaterials and permanent restoration.
The AAE represents more than 8,000 endodontists around the world, and is dedicated to creating the highest standard for patient care in endodontics. The position statement can be accessed online for free.
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