ADA Provides Assistance to Dentists After Hurricanes


Across the United States, dentists affected by the recent hurricanes are struggling to get back on their feet. Luckily, the ADA is offering grants to those who qualify. Continue below to find out how you can apply or help your fellow practitioners.

To receive funding, dentists must be a victim of any type of disaster.

Hurricanes Harvey and Irma brought unprecedented levels of destruction to Texas, Florida, and the surrounding southeastern states. Unfortunately, people from all walks of life saw their homes, schools, businesses, and community centers flooded and destroyed.

Dentists in coastal communities were also affected by these natural disasters — and in a supportive effort, the American Dental Association (ADA) is helping dentists get back on their feet by providing much-needed financial assistance for essential items like food, clothing, shelter, and medicines.

The Emergency Disaster Grant Program was created to help dentists affected by any natural disaster receive money that can be used to obtain necessary supplies, such as food and bottled water. Eligible dentists can use the funds for urgent and vital needs following any type of disaster, but the money granted cannot be used to offset any kind of damage to dental practice property, to replace dental equipment or supplies, or to fund staff salaries. The grant funds are also not intended to replace any lost income a dentist may incur as a result of a disaster.

Grants of up to $2,000 are awarded to eligible dentists from the ADA Foundation (ADAF). To receive funding, dentists must be a victim of any type of disaster. Dentists can apply for a grant within 60 days of a disaster using the online portal or paper application, which can be downloaded here. While the ADAF tries to serve as many dentists as possible, grants are limited by the amount of available funds.

In addition to the small grants provided to individuals, the ADAF is also providing grants of up to $10,000 to any 501(c)(3) organizations providing dental care after a disaster. These organizations must be based within the U.S., and grants are dependent on the amount of available funds. Anyone involved in such an organization who is interested in applying can use the online application to begin the process of obtaining a grant. Paper applications can also be downloaded here and mailed to the ADAF.

ADA member dentists who are interested in helping their colleagues in hurricane-affected areas are also welcome to donate funds directly to the ADAF. All the monies donated to the Foundation’s Disaster Assistance programs go toward supporting dentists affected by disasters. Dentists can donate online, or can call or mail a check to the Foundation in support of other dentists.

The ADAF was established with the goal of providing charitable assistance for dentists nationwide. The Foundation also works to improve the oral health status of communities through increased access to care, research, and support for educational programs. Every year, the ADAF provides more than $800,000 in awards, scholarships, and grants to programs that adopt and further the Foundation’s mission.

Discover more Dentist’s Money Digest® news here.

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