These innovative masks are designed to make it easier to communicate with people who read lips while masks are worn.
Image Credit: © SafeNClear, Inc
The Communicator™
SafeNClear, Inc
Any dental operatory or other area where surgical facemasks are worn.
Anytime a clinician or patient needs to improve communication while remaining masked.
Clinicians and patients with communication needs such as autism, aphasia, deafness, or hearing loss can struggle to communicate in masked environments, especially when they rely on lip reading. Additionally, some patients with special needs benefit from seeing more of the clinician’s face during treatment, especially pediatric patients.
Available with either ASTM F2100 Level 1 or Level 3 protection, The Communicator™ is a surgical facemask with an integrated, fog-resistant clear window allowing the wearer’s mouth and facial expressions to be clearly seen. The disposable masks are designed for comfort and breathability without compromising protection from the spread of microorganisms and other particulate.