Combining strength, esthetics, and efficiency, these zirconia blocks can be the go to material for any chairside CAD/CAM situation.
Image Credit: © Kuraray Noritake Dental
Kuraray Noritake Dental
Any practice looking to provide zirconia restorations as efficiently as possible.
Whenever a zirconia restoration is called for, whether in the anterior or the posterior.
When used with Dentsply Sirona’s CEREC Primemill and Speed Fire furnace, these blocks can be milled in less than 5 minutes, and sintered in just 18 minutes regardless of the shade being used. KATANA Zirconia ONE exhibits a flexural strength of 933 MPa, the material can be milled as thin as 0.8 mm for crowns in both the anterior and posterior. While strong and esthetic in the mouth, KATANA Zirconia ONE is easy to mill and offers extended bur life by approximately 200%, which can provide significant cost savings in reduced bur replacements.
Fabricated from multiple layers of zirconia in differing gradiated shades, KATANA Zirconia ONE allows the crown or bridge design to be positioned within the block to allow the crown to transition from enamel shading and translucency to the dentin layer. Additionally, the composition of the blocks reduces wear on the milling burs, allowing users to get approximately twice the use out of each bur.
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