January 2011 | Dental Products Report products in practice: 5 reasons to buy Customized perio solution Perio Protect’s Perio Tray® Compiled by Noah Levine
January 2011 | Dental Products Report
products in practice: 5 reasons to buy
Customized perio solution
Perio Protect’s Perio Tray®
Compiled by Noah Levine
Information available at perioprotect.com.
Photo: Perio Protect
1. These take home trays deliver prescribed medications directly to the periodontal pocket.
2. They offer a customized adjunct to conventional therapy or for those declining surgical treatment.
3. The trays provide an easy-to-use option for patients with an inability to practice good oral hygiene or patients with a compromised medical history.
4. The soft, flexible trays are comfortable and custom-fit to the individual patient.
5. Patients appreciate the convenience of using the prescription trays provided by their dentist in their own homes.
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